Cryptography and Information Security Lab

Department of Computer Science and Automation
Varsha Bhat Kukkala
Varsha Bhat Kukkala
Post Doc

I completed my PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, under the guidance of Dr. Sudarshan Iyengar. Prior to this, I completed my B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (under VTU). My research interests lie in the domains of network science and cryptography. So far, my focus has been on improving the current techniques of performing social network analysis while accounting for the privacy of the concerned individuals. I like carnatic music and love to play the veena as a hobby.

Varsha Bhat Kukkala
Varsha Bhat Kukkala
Post Doc
Publications and Preprints (7)
Graphiti: Secure Graph Analysis Made More Scalable

Nishat KotiVarsha Bhat KukkalaBhavish Raj Gopal and Arpita Patra

Ruffle: Rapid 3-Party Shuffle Protocols

Pranav Shriram ANishat KotiVarsha Bhat KukkalaArpita PatraBhavish Raj Gopal and Somya Sangal

Shield: Secure Allegation Escrow System with Stronger Guarantees

Nishat KotiVarsha Bhat KukkalaArpita Patra and Bhavish Raj Gopal

Find Thy Neighbourhood: Privacy-Preserving Local Clustering

Pranav Shriram ANishat KotiVarsha Bhat KukkalaArpita Patra and Bhavish Raj Gopal

Vogue: Faster Computation of Private Heavy Hitters

Pranav JangirNishat KotiVarsha Bhat KukkalaArpita PatraBhavish Raj Gopal and Somya Sangal

Attaining GOD Beyond Honest Majority with Friends and Foes

Aditya HedgeNishat KotiVarsha Bhat KukkalaShravani PatilArpita Patra and Protik Paul

PentaGOD: Stepping beyond traditional GOD with five parties

Nishat KotiVarsha Bhat KukkalaBhavish Raj Gopal and Arpita Patra


Talks / Presentations

  1. Find Thy Neighbourhood: Privacy-Preserving Local Clustering. PETS 2023. Lausanne, Switzerland. July 2023.
  2. Shield: Secure Allegation Escrow System with Stronger Guarantees. Bangalore Crypto Day. IISc, Bangalore, India. March 2023.
  3. Find Thy Neighbourhood: Privacy-Preserving Local Clustering. EECS Research Student Symposium. IISc, Bangalore, India. April 2023.
  4. Find Thy Neighbourhood: Privacy-Preserving Local Clustering. IISc-BIU Reading Group. Virtual Event. May 2023.


  1. PETS 2023 Lausanne, Switzerland. July 2023
  2. CANS 2022 Abu Dhabi, UAE. November 2022